Professional Image Editing
Image editing: full focus on the detail
Our specialists are on a mission to get the most out your visual content. We combine the best of two worlds for you – reliable retouching of large volumes of images and high-end retouching right through to post production with great attention to detail. You reap the benefits of the many years of expertise of our workflow and colour management specialists, able to design individual image processes for extremely efficient, high-volume image processing in the shortest possible time.
- Reliable with large orders:high-volumes of content and tight deadlines are not uncommon in e-commerce. We have the capacity to thoroughly edit your images, even in series production, so that your products are ideally represented.
- High-End-Retusche und Post Production:high-volumes of content and tight deadlines are not uncommon in e-commerce. We have the capacity to thoroughly edit your images, even in series production, so that your products are ideally represented.
- Full integration with your systems:we implement your image workflow to suit your needs. Whether you receive your image via download or require the results to be exported directly to your e-business, PIM or DAM system, we will craft a solution with you.

ADAC Motorsport: Highend Image Editing for title theme

Since the 2023 season, Laudert has been the lead agency for the ADAC’s renowned DTM and GT Masters racing series. The new cover image for the 2023 season was also created in this context.
Tailored editing processes for perfect images
We know from experience how editing processes can vary. That’s why we think it’s important to integrate regular image editing into your workflow in an efficient and user-friendly way. Quality, sustainability and efficient use of budget are key. Our teams in Germany, Vietnam and Cambodia are there for you almost around the clock and can meet tight deadlines for high-volume projects in all areas of image enhancement and refinement.
Reliable retouching
- in large quantities
- also for high-end media
- system-supported
- transparent workflows
Resilient and scalable
- flexible timing
- tight deadlines
- high volumes
Perfectly linked
- output as desired
- exported directly to the system
- individual process
Dirk will be happy to advise you!
Dirk Lütjenhuis will talk to you about this topic in the context of holistic impactful product communication.